Prof. Dr. Fazal Ahmed Khalid SI (Rector), GIK Institute, Dr. Imran Khan, Mr. Abdullah Soomroo, Director (Incubation) & Mr. Amin Qureshi, Deputy Director (ORIC), welcomed Barrister (Engr.) Habil Ahmed Khan, President GIKI Alumni Association, in the guest house.
After lunch, Honorable President GIKAA had a meeting with the Deans, Director, and GIK Alumni reunion committee.
In the session with the Deans Directors and GIK Alumni reunion committee following points were discussed.
Dr. Imran, Co-Convener Alumni Reunion 2022 committee, informed Honorable President GIKAA about the final program of the Annual Alumni Reunion 2022 and told that schedule of the reunion has been revised and is now in line with the reunion held last year.
Honorable President GIKAA liked the idea of conducting the first session of the reunion in the auditorium consisting of speeches & entertainment, followed by lunch and a session of the Alumni in their respective faculties. President GIKAA was also informed about the registration status and marketing channels used by the GIK.
There was consensus on making the proceedings online for participation by Alumni unable to travel to GIKI.
It was also suggested that GIKIAA should have an annual calendar to follow and in the future should take responsibility of organizing the annual reunion with possibility of hosting it in different cities.
Honorable President GIKIAA was requested to ask GIKIAA Marketing VPs to improve their cooperation with Mr. Ali Shaukat and GIKIAA Marketing VPs to ensure strong promotional campaign for reunion event.
Furthermore it was also suggested that Fund raising should be made more effective, with an emphasis on improvement of marketing on social media
Dean FCSE mentioned that alumni association should use Facebook, linkedin and other social media groups to market the event like there are city wise groups i.e Islamabad Lahore etc. this way event will be properly promoted among the alumni
Honorable President GIKIAA noted the points and assured to discuss it with his to work more effectively for reunion event promotion as well as fund raising.
Rector GIKI and team agreed with Honorable President GIKAA’s idea of having different chapters for different cities & countries. It will provide fresh graduates a platform for job internship hunts in their respective cities, districts & countries, etc. The local chapter will also help in arranging frequent events in their cities and not worrying about logistics and missing one event at GIK.
Honorable President GIKI Alumni Association informed deans and directors that the Alumni association is planning to form a business community/circle having C-Level representation from top tire Alumni. This community will facilitate the GIK Career Office, ORIC & faculties in organizing guest speaker sessions, Technical training, Workshops, Career development training, research and development activities, and bridging university industrial linkages. The community will also facilitate hiring talented fresh graduates in job & internship placements.
The idea of GIKI Alumni Business Council was appreciated and fully supported by the Recto and his team.
President Alumni association asked the rector for the financial breakdown of the chair for the scholarship. The Director of Finance & Director (A&E) will contact the president Alumni association for providing information related to scholarships and other financial matters.
It was discussed and agreed that GIKIAA EC and Honorable President shall organize the visit of Chairman NEPRA for a session with students on the latest developments in the power sector followed by an MOU signing ceremony between GIKI AND NEPRA to promote excellence in engineering.
The president of GIKAA delivered a talk to the students on the topic of the power sector of Pakistan.
Rector GIK Institute also presented shield as token of thanks to Honorable President GIKI Alumni Association.