Honorable President GIKIAA Meeting with ED SOPREST
  1. Introduction

The meeting started @10am in a pleasant environment. After brief introduction ideas were shared with each other.

Executive Director SOPREST appreciated the initiatives taken by Honorable President and its progress.

Following points were discussed in the meeting.


  1. Meeting of Honorable President GIKIAA with the President of Pakistan

ED SOPREST endorsed this meeting and ensured his full support in this regard from GIKI and from his side personally. He agreed that such meetings will open new horizons towards the betterment for GIKI as well as GIKI alumni.

  1. GIKI Alumni Business Council

Honorable President GIKIAA gave a brief on the idea of GIKI Alumni Business Council, his meeting with DGTO in this regard and the progress on it.

ED SOPREST appraised this initiative taken and the progress so far. He agreed that GIKI Alumni Business Council will not only benefit the alumni entrepreneurs but will also be worthy to highlight issues in Pakistan Business policies and providing productive and healthy suggestions by educated and experienced alumni which eventually will make the name of GIKI more prominent.


  1. Inviting Foreign Faculties

Honorable President suggested inviting and connecting foreign institutes and universities with GIKI this will help improve the mentorship, PhD topics and curriculum correction / updating.

ED SOPREST admired the idea and requested Honorable President GIKIAA to help GIKI in this regard.

  1. Endowment Fund (Chair Value)

Honorable President explained the GIKI Endowment fund and how he is will to set and start one Chair campaign to be sponsored perpetually. However, the one chair value is still to be announced by GIKI finance dept.

ED SOPREST endorsed the whole GIKIAA Endowment fund concept and especially the idea of one chair to be sponsored perpetually. He assured that he will personally follow-up with GIKI finance dept. so they communicate the value ASAP.


  1. Miscellaneous GIKI matters
  • Hostel Building status and Facilitations at GIKI

Upon the feedback from the students as well as the alumni, Honorable President urged the need to improve the maintenance of GIKI hostels as well as the facilitation provided.

EC SOPREST told that he is going to issue a cheque to cope with all these matters and assured that alumni and students will soon hear good news regarding this.


  • Food and beverages quality

Honorable President also brought ED SOPREST notice towards the quality of food and beverages served at GIKI which need to be improved.

ED SOPREST noted the point to be taken with GIKI admin to improve the quality of food and beverages served at GIKI.


  • Link Road to GIKI status

Honorable President also raised the point of worst condition of the road which links GIKI to motorway. He told that the road play important role in connecting GIKI to outside world and need to be taken care of.

ED SOPREST agreed and assured that he will personally raise the point with higher authorities and peruse until its done.


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