Honorable President and Executive Council are in process of establishing the GIKI Alumni Business Council.
For this purpose a meeting was held with DGTO (Director General of Trade Organizations) on 27th October 2022, wherein it was discussed that (1) an Association can only be registered for a particular trade (2) only chambers of commerce can have multiple sectors represented (3) leaving us with the option of setting up a Business Council on the same pattern as the Pakistan Business Council with an informal arrangement with the Ministry of Commerce.
Feedback is solicited from all members to select one of the 3 options and organize the first round table of the Business Council.
Please find below a draft of objectives proposed for the GIKI Alumni Business Council for your kind review and suggestions:
1 It is a forum which supports the business of its members giving them a platform where they can engage with govt. entities for policy making
2 To provide for the formation and exchange of views on any question connected with the conduct of GIKI Alumni businesses in and from Pakistan.
3 To conduct, organize, set up, administer and manage campaigns, surveys, focus groups, workshops, seminars and field works for carrying out research and raising awareness in regard to matters affecting domestic businesses in Pakistan
4 To acquire, collect, compile, analyze, publish and provide statistics, data analysis and other information relating to GIKI Alumni businesses of any kind, nature or description and on opportunities for such businesses within and outside Pakistan.
5 To promote and facilitate the integration of GIKI Alumni businesses in Pakistan into the World economy and to encourage the development and growth of domestic Pakistani multinationals.
6 To interact with Governments in the economic development of Pakistan and to facilitate, foster and further the economic, social and human resource development of Pakistan.
7 There is lot of other business councils and firms but they are not active and thus not helping their members. Honorable President believes that GIKI Alumni are more active, educated and intelligent enough to help each other as well as give positive and brilliant suggestions to govt. of Pakistan to make business friendly policies.